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Dr. Michael Samuels
and RiSoTriene



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Dr. Michael G. Samuels, D.O., studied chemistry at Texas Tech University and osteopathic medicine at the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine in Fort Worth. Graduating with honors, he began his private practice in Dallas in 1983. Dr. Samuels became interested in nutrition during medical school and now emphasizes good nutrition in his practice. In addition to his medical practice in Texas, he has operated six clinics outside the United States: in Mexico, Costa Rica, the Caribbean, and Grand Cayman.

Dr. Michael Samuels’s Statement

“Since going to medical school and becoming an osteopathic physician, I've been continuing my educational journey to help people achieve better health. If I don't have the answer to people's particular questions or problems, I work with them to try and find the answer.

In many cases, the root disease is poor nutrition. Elderly people seem especially prone to nutritional deficiencies, often because of poor absorption. I'm convinced that one of the main reasons for degeneration in these people is that they're not receiving or assimilating the necessary nutrients.

And I'm begging to be concerned that even younger people are often unable to absorb a lot of their nutrients. This poor assimilation suggests a more pervasive problem.

When I graduated from medical school in 1982, Valium was the number-one prescribed drug in the world, but in 1992, it wasn't in even the top ten - six of ten were drugs for gastrointestinal problems. When a friend and patient of mine brought me a tape about RiSoTriene, I was impressed with what I heard because I remembered learning about rice bran in medical school.

During my freshman year, I attended a lecture by someone trying to solve the problem of rice bran's extremely short shelf life. The bran contains sixty-five percent of the rice kernel's nutrients. But it also contains an enzyme that causes the bran to become rancid within a few hours.

I remember feeling skeptical when I heard in 1978 that rice bran couldn't be stabilized for a longer shelf life. That experience came back to me the minute I heard the tape about RiSoTriene.

I was happy to learn that scientists had finally found a way to stabilize the bran. As I see it, the greatest benefits of this product are that the rice bran's nutrients can now be easily absorbed by the body and the product is palatable - even tasty.

This matter of absorption is essential. You can take all the vitamins you wan, but if you can't absorb and distribute them where they're needed, they're useless.

Before I use any product in my practice, I test it first and check the patient's blood using a powerful, darkfield microscope, we take blood samples a couple of times a day.

It didn't take but five days of this testing for RiSoTriene to impress me. Blood cells that showed marked signs of nutritional deficiency were improving greatly in those few days.

so I gave cons of the product to a couple of my severely diabetic patients and told them to call and tell me what they thought of it.

Both called me back with great results. In fact, one man is in a nursing home, and he's doing so well on RiSoTriene that he's got almost everybody in the nursing home on it.

Some of the most dramatic results I've seen with this product are in diabetics and older people. If a patient is fifty-five years of age or older, I automatically put them on the product to establish a nutrient baseline. Elderly people need the better absorption of nutrients that RiSoTriene offers.

I've had great results with some very sick children I'm treating. One has Crohn's Diseases, a gastrointestinal disorder, and two others have cystic fibrosis. Their improvement on the RiSoTriene has been amazing. Before they started taking it, they were wasting away, but now they have color in their cheeks. Their energy levels are up, and their immune systems work much better.

I treat a lot of people who, for various reasons, have nutritional deficiencies. I feel my job is to teach people how to take care of themselves so they don't have to be dependent on a physician. I want them to know how to keep their internal houses clean.

Nutrition is the key and because RiSoTriene is so easily absorbed by the body, it's proving an integral part of my educational and treatment programs.”

Warning and Disclaimer: The information and testimonials on this web site are intended to heighten awareness of potential health care alternatives and are not to be considered by anyone as medical advice.

Testimonial experiences are exceptional, rather than typical. Endorsements, opinions and studies discussed herein are are not conclusive and do not represent the consensus of accredited, scientific opinion.

All of our information is offered as “food for thought”, as a stimulus for your further research and without implying that a health benefit is likely to be had by any particular person. Also, information presented may not represent the latest conclusions of forward thinking researchers into health and nutrition and the web site owner disclaims any responsibility if the material has been supplanted by new insights. Keep in mind that anyone who is setting out on any dietary, drug, exercise or other lifestyle change should first consult with and request a green-light from and be monitored by a qualified healthcare provider. None of our suggested products/ideas are intended to cure, treat or prevent a disease or to replace information found on or in any other health product label or literature.

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