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Dr. George Kelly
and RiSoTriene



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- RiSoTriene

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---Dr. George Kelly

---Dr. Mark Drucker

---Dr. David Nelson

---Dr. Joe Hymer

---Dr. M. Samuels

---Dr. Steve Lutes


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In this new millenium, how smart you are will be seen by all—by how healthy you are!

Dr. K. George Kelly is a second generation doctor and has been a chiropractic physician for nearly ten years. Along with a specialty in chiropractic neurology, he is also board certified in chiropractic internal disorders, which includes extensive training in nutrition and diagnosis of internal disease. Dr. Kelly served for many years as a qualified medical examiner. He received fellowship from the Forensic industrial Chiropractic Consultants for his outstanding clinical practices. He continues to practice chiropractic medicine and serves as a nutritional counselor in Southern California.

Dr. George Kelly’s Statement

“RiSoTriene intrigued me from the beginning. I couldn't imagine a product that had all the essential fatty acids, amino acids, trace minerals, and over seventy different antioxidants. After doing some research, I was eager to try it myself. Within just two weeks, I started seeing impressive results. I work out on a regular basis, so the improvements I noticed were in my endurance and strength. Although I had not changed my diet (if anything I had become a bit more careless), I noticed that I was actually leaner.

Others I know have also noticed a difference with RiSoTriene. People who weren't really looking to lose weight have lost five to ten pounds on the product, and their strength and endurance have improved.

I also found that my cravings for sweets and other snack foods have completely disappeared. I attribute this benefit to RiSoTriene stabilizing effects on blood sugar.

I've found that RiSoTriene is effective not only for athletes and other people who want to improve their strength, but also for people who suffer from irregularity problems and chronic headaches. After a week or two on RiSoTriene, they are regular and their headaches are gone.

The most remarkable effects I've seen have been in patients with diabetes. RiSoTriene can have a profound influence on the stabilization of their blood sugar so that, when they go back to their doctors, in many cases they end up needing less insulin.

I'm not saying this product cures diabetes, but the impact it has on the body's biochemistry is tremendous. It's not a miracle cure, an herbal product, or a stimulant. It's a "natural" whole food that gives the body what it needs. RiSoTriene consists of perfect chains of essential fatty acids, trace minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants, which because they're in perfect ratio, are absorbed into the body - not as bits and pieces, but as whole organic structures. These structures then repair different organ systems on the cellular level. They start working again!

People in America and around the world face a serious challenge today, finding a dietary food supplement that will five them everything they need. There are so many supplements available, people often get confused and have no idea what to take. I believe that RiSoTriene will take care of all of these issues and five people results that they can feel almost immediately.

I believe that everybody should seriously consider taking this product. All diabetics should at least give RiSoTriene a try. RiSoTriene is having a profound effect on all kinds of people - from those with debilitating diseases to those who want to bring their health to a higher level. “

Warning and Disclaimer: The information and testimonials on this web site are intended to heighten awareness of potential health care alternatives and are not to be considered by anyone as medical advice.

Testimonial experiences are exceptional, rather than typical. Endorsements, opinions and studies discussed herein are are not conclusive and do not represent the consensus of accredited, scientific opinion.

All of our information is offered as “food for thought”, as a stimulus for your further research and without implying that a health benefit is likely to be had by any particular person. Also, information presented may not represent the latest conclusions of forward thinking researchers into health and nutrition and the web site owner disclaims any responsibility if the material has been supplanted by new insights. Keep in mind that anyone who is setting out on any dietary, drug, exercise or other lifestyle change should first consult with and request a green-light from and be monitored by a qualified healthcare provider. None of our suggested products/ideas are intended to cure, treat or prevent a disease or to replace information found on or in any other health product label or literature.

*No statements herein (unless otherwise stated) have been approved by the FDA.
See additional disclaimer information.

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