Senior’s Nutrition


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New focus for Senior’s Health

Because the focus of public health during the last century was on medicine, most seniors look to doctors in order to solve their health problems.

The single most important paradigm shift that seniors can make is to look to dieticians for solving health problems.

Doctors and drugs and surgeries will keep us alive longer, albeit with a poor quality of life in our later years. But, dieticians will help us enjoy life by being free of disease.

Within twenty to fifty more years, quality nutrition will be standard education.  Unfortunately, millions of currently uneducated seniors (uneducated in the ways of optimum nutrition) will be paying the ultimate price for their ignorance of correct nutritional laws. They will pay with their lives, both in quality of life and longevity.

The Standard American Diet does not provide sufficient nutrition to maintain our bodies in good health for the many extra years of life medical science has provided. Even though the Standard American Diet tastes good, is popular, is adored by our mothers, friends, companions and family as nutritious enough, it is not!

Seniors have far less time than others to remedy the problems that have resulted from many years of bad nutrition practices in industrialized countries. Seniors must take action now before it is literally too late.

Stopping the Countdown to Death


By the time we are seniors, millions of our cells are being damaged by free radicals daily. Free radical damage results in cross-linked DNA or cells that are no longer perfect—and that means:

  1. Tiredness
  2. Sub-optimal performance
  3. Disease.

Yet, the most serious result of damage to DNA is not disease and feeling bad or tired, but a hastening of death. When a telomere portion of DNA takes a free radical hit or is otherwise damaged during replication, your telomere loop is shortened by one telomere... and that means earlier death.

Human DNA (at birth) has between fifty and sixty telomeres. Each telomere is a replication bud (binding protein) from which a cell will replicate itself every few months. If an oxidative (free radical) event damages a telomere then that telomere is cut off the telomere loop. When the number of telomeres in this loop goes to zero... no more cell replications are possible... meaning death is imminent. Therefore, preserving our telomeres is the scientific way to ensure maximum longevity.

Preserving telomeres is the paramount consideration in achieving maximum longevity. Preserving DNA integrity is the paramount consideration in preserving health and wellness.

In both cases, minimizing DNA damage from free radical or inadequate nutrition is the antidote.

We’ve been told that each cigarette someone smokes takes away 5 minutes of life (because of the free radicals in the cigarette smoke), but there are many other causes of free radical damage and lessened life span and loss of quality of life (In fact eating margarine is about as bad as smoking). Both practices causes numerous free radical hits to our cells. Learn what what free radicals are... so you can avoid them?

Scientifically derived nutrition habits will some day be a common way of living. But, it may be too late for today’s seniors.

Scientists are rapidly proving what habits of health will prolong our lives and give us the kind of vibrant health that makes life good.

So, before it’s too late, learn and implement the habits of health. You, can even learn how to make up for lost time!!!.

Here are the Health Recovery and Preservation Steps for Seniors:

Step 1
   Digestive System    Tune-Up

A problem inherent with virtually all seniors is a dirty digestive system, similar to a car engine that hasn’t been tuned up during many years of use. So, an important beginning step is a digestive system tune-up.

Step 2
   Optimal Nutrition

Once digestion has been tuned-up the overriding concern for any individual is nutrition, so that cellular building blocks are available. Check out the way that nutrition is supposed to be, according to latest scientific research.

Step 3
   Put repair technicians
   on the payroll to repair
   damaged DNA

Another important step that seniors should take is to put repair technicians to work at undoing cross-linked or mutated DNA. When DNA is cross-linked or mutated, cells replicate themselves incorrectly, leading to a downward cycle in health.  This is the true cause of aging.  Methylation facilitators can help undo this damage.

Step 4
   Hire bodyguards to
   prevent further DNA

Another important step for seniors is to increase the antioxidants in our body so that no additional DNA damage takes place from free radicals. See our section on the role of antioxidants for further insight into the benefits of antioxidants.

Most of the cells of the body can recycle themselves within seven months (not brain and nervous system cells — they take one to two years).  By following the habits of health over a period of many months the cells that are replaced and repaired during this time are of a higher quality than those produced during a time of less optimal nutrition. Since health is really the status of health of 100,000,000,000 cells, improving cellular health one by one through repair and rebuilding is the way overall health is improved.

Very few nutrition supplement companies have yet realized that mother nature is smarter than we are. Very few nutrition companies have focused on concentrated foods rather than laboratory made nutrient concoctions. We are one company that has. In order of importance here are these concentrated food supplements that we recommend for seniors:

  • First, is a full spectrum source of minerals, Deep Sea Minerals.*
  • Second, is RiSoTriene containing more antioxidants to protect against free radicals than any other food.
  • Seven Essentials is a great way to get both your RiSoTriene and Deep Sea Minerals in a single, good tasting powder, at a significant price savings.
  • Third, is Methylate Me, to undo previous free radical damage.
  • Fourth, is Collastin and Collastin Support to lubricate joints and skin, alleviating pain, discomfort and wrinkles.


The information provided in this site teaches a non-medical philosophy that diet can be our most important medicine. We always recommend nutrition plus medical intervention for your health... and recommend you seek medical advice for any health condition in addition to diet.

© 2002-2003 Healthy-Living.Org. All rights reserved.

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